Open My World Changes lives.  Let us share some of our client’s stories with you.

Michael – The first time Michael rode Patches on a bareback pad, he required 3 people just to hold him on. He was unable to bend his legs and he could only sit at a 90% angle forward. He was in some pain but would not allow his ride to end before he had made at least 3 loops around the barn. That was almost 4 years ago. He now sits upright, self-corrects when he tilts, and can remain balanced while the horse walks with no support from sidewalkers. He can grab the front of the saddle, reach, stretch, balance himself, grab hoops and balls and open his fingers to release them. He has even begun walking with a walker! 

Presley – Her parents brought her to Open My World with the hope of developing Presley’s core strength and balance. In addition to having Down Syndrome, her communication skills were very delayed. Presley’s parents were advised to learn sign language to communicate. But, Presley’s progress in therapy made verbal communication possible.  Presley has not only improved her core strength, she has gone from 3 word sentences to run on sentences! Like any other child her age, she asks many “why” questions!

Brandon – Brandon is one of our first students. He came to Open My World with weak muscle tone, low energy and a tendency to shuffle his feet. Brandon connected to the horses immediately. But like many individuals who have Down Syndrome, he was accustomed to having almost everything done for him. He would begin to do a task asked of him and then just turn and look at you, waiting for you to help him or do it for him. As he developed his strength, it became apparent he had excellent balance and his riding form was prefect. He participated in the Austin’s Rodeo horse show (Gold Stirrup) and won a 1st place belt buckle. His sessions include not only mounted riding, but care of the horse, grooming, and other activities which require problem solving. According to his parents, Open My World changed not only Brandon’s life but their lives as well.

Hannah G. – Hannah was very timid, almost non-verbal, and unsure of herself when she first began coming to Open My World. She would not come into the barn if there was anyone other than the instructor or Mom in the barn. No one else could be in sight.  Her responses to questions were two or three words at best. She cried at the smallest verbal correction. Within six months, she was able to be in the barn with others and have limited interaction. Within a year she was riding independently and participated in a horse show with an audience.  She also gave a speech in front of her classmates!

Corbin – He is our youngest client at 3 years old. When he began therapy, he was unable to walk without having assistance–holding the hands of adults on both sides. His speech was very limited and he had a hard time focusing his eyes on anything, including eye contact when he was spoken to. After four sessions at Open My World, his pre-school instructor began seeing improvement in both his coordination and communication. Corbin currently rides twice a week. He is able to walk the horse, holding onto the lead rope with both hands with no other support. He has developed upper body and leg strength to the point of being able to bend his knees and stand up while on the horse–with only his hands being held.

Carley – She came to Open My World very shy and unsure of herself. Her limited reading skills had been attributed to learning disabilities which compounded her poor self-esteem.  As she began experiencing riding and connecting with the horses, she not only gained new skills but also gained a sense of accomplishment. As she rode on our trails, she began reading word cards with directions. We placed the cards at different stations around our trails to develop her reading skills. She read her first chapter book after 2 months of riding at Open My World. The fact that she knew she was able to control and maneuver a thousand pound animal gave her new confidence and the courage to try new things.

Hannah E. – Hannah has epilepsy. When she came to Open My World she had had so many seizures that the majority of her muscles had been affected. She was weak; and, it was very difficult for her to walk without some kind of support. She had a service dog to assist her. She was often frustrated and angry because of her limitations. As she attended sessions her muscles and overall strength developed to the point that she kept the dog but now it was a pet. With her feet in the stirrups, she was able to stand up even while the horse was walking.  More importantly to her, she was able to jump on the trampoline like her classmates at school.